Fresh Water

Have you ever felt 'dry', like there's nothing in you to 'give'.  I think all Christians have felt that way at some point in their lives.   God' never leaves us or forsakes us, so what causes us to feel as if we are running on empty?

While the water never runs dry from God's point of view, the truth is, we are not meant to be filled once and that's it, done. 
Just as God's mercies are new every morning, so each day we need to go to the word for revelation and encouragement for the new day ahead.

We don't usually get up Monday morning, have a good breakfast and then not eat for the rest of the week.  Our bodies aren't designed that way.   
The same is true for the Spiritual man/woman.  The living word of God is not a read-it-once kind of book.  It's a 'read it, meditate on it, read it again, study it, discuss it, read it again, pray about it, live it, read it again' and so on kind of book!

If you are feeling 'dry' it may be because you haven't been drinking at the well.  I encourage you today, pick up the word, read it and get into the habit of doing so daily.  It sounds so obvious, but I know in my own life when I have gotten too busy and missed some days, it become really noticeable, really quickly!!

Yesterday's word was for yesterday's situation.  Today you need to go back to the word for what is necessary for today.   It doesn't mean that the word God gave your for a situation isn't valid when the day is gone; no, we do stand on the word for multiple days, but each day, we must pick it up and take it with us again afresh.

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter ever, but it is continually pointing to the value of God's word and its purpose in our lives (the words 'law', 'statues', 'decrees', 'commandments' etc are all reference to the Word of God).    

I love these verses in particular:

Psalms 119:47-48 (TPT)
My passion and delight is in your word, for I love what you say to me!I long for more revelation of your truth, for I love the light of your word as I meditate on your decrees.

Billy Graham summed it up very nicely when he saidThe very practice of reading [the Bible] will have a purifying effect upon your mind and heart. Let nothing take the place of this daily exercise.”  


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