Do you need a wash?

This week I began re-reading Psalm 119, but in the Passion Translation.  I absolutely love it.  It was so beautiful. The whole chapter is about the word.  In the King James Version, it uses the words 'precepts', 'word', 'commands' 'judgements' and 'testimonies' but they all referring to God's word to us.

This is the first verse that really struck me:

Psalms 119:25 Lord, I’m fading away. I’m discouraged and lying in the dust; revive me by your word, just like you promised you would.

You know over lockdown, it's been hard some days to feel enthusiastic, but this encourages us, that God revives us through his word!   I know I bang on about it a lot, but we NEED the word.  We need it every single day, we need it more than anything else in the world.   

The author says that following God's word is better than chasing after all the wealth of the world!  Do we feel like that, or do we see it as a chore to be ticked off each morning or something we look at on Sunday morning in church?

Being enthused and revived by the word is a necessity!  Without it we get contaminated on the outside - not on the inside of course, but on the inside.  The world is 'dirty'. It contaminates us and wears us down if we rely on our own ability to cope and deal with it.  In speaking of why Jesus died, the bible says in Ephesians 5:26

" make us holy and pure, cleansing us through the showering of the pure water of the Word of God."

God's word washes the world away.  We need to fall in love with it all over again.  God's word is so important,  it's everything to us! Let's value it read it and love it!


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