For Better or Worse

I have been studying the Book of Hebrews over the last few months.  We've been live-streaming a series on it with our church and one major thing has really hit me this time of reading and studying it. 

It's the word BETTER!  

The word better means:

  • more desirable, satisfactory, or effective.
  • more excellently or effectively.
  • improve on or surpass (an existing or previous level or achievement
The bible refers to the old covenant as beggarly, but Hebrews continually calls the new covenant better.

We are, by nature, creatures of habit,  and it seems to me that we are consistently moving back to to the old covenant, and the result is a hybrid system that doesn't work.

No longer can we please God by our actions, no longer do we need to relate to God through a set of rules and regulations, and no longer do we get what we deserve based on our own effort. 

In the new covenant, it is faith that pleases God.  In the new covenant, it is all based on the finished work of one man, Jesus Christ, and in the new covenant, we no longer have to approach God with fear but can come boldly before the throne of God.

All this is to say, that we have to be mad, stupid or ignorant to want to revert to the old covenant.  Why would you want to swap something worse, for something better? 


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