Well, what do you know?

We often create misunderstandings about things as Christians. For example, we talk about eternal life, and the suggestion is that eternal life means living forever. 

But in this verse (John 17:3) Jesus tells us that eternal life is about knowing him and God the Father. 

Now we can talking about 'knowing' something like French or algebra, but this KNOW is the Greek word Ginosko/Gnosis and it is a euphemism for sexual relationships.  It is the equivalent of the Hebrew word used in Genesis 4 which says that Adam KNEW his wife and she bore a son.  In English, the best way to translate it would probably be: to personally, intimately and experientially know something.

It is different from other words translated 'know';
Eido                 knowledge by perception or recognition
Epignosis       precise and correct knowledge (factual)

This 'knowing' is so personal that for each of us it will look different.    
I once heard someone define intimacy as 'IN TO ME SEE', it give us the understanding of being transparent, of knowing the heart of someone and of being known by them
The mixing of two lives; connection.

Real intimacy makes us feel alive.  Intimacy means giving all of myself – being vulnerable, transparent.  Sex is not intimacy, it is a fruit of intimacy – we know that because you can engage in a physical act, without letting your heart get in the way; without truly knowing someone.  

The same is true with our relationship with God: singing, prayer, reading the bible can be done without any intimacy at all.  It all depends on why you do these things

Jesus tells us in John 5:39 (TPT)
You are busy analyzing the Scriptures, frantically poring over them in hopes of gaining eternal life. Everything you read points to me, yet you still refuse to come to me so I can give you the life you’re looking for—eternal life!"

We can look at all the word, even memorize the verses, but biblical knowledge is only productive when it fuels our trust in God through a deepening of our experience with God.  Knowledge alone fuels pride.

John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Again this is the same word for 'know' (GINOSKO) it is experiential knowledge. 
We have to experience God to truly know him. 

How do we find intimacy and develop our relationship with God?
  1. Desire:
    If you don’t see the value in it, the need for it or you don’t want it, you won’t create space for it in your life
    Psalms 27:4 One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.
  2. Acknowledge:
    To develop an intimate and satisfying love relationship with God you must accept that He is the ONLY one who can meet this deep need in you.  The fulfillment that Jesus gives, cannot be found in any human relationship or in any stuff this world can offer.  It cannot be found in skills or talents or activities.
  3. Pursue:
    The bible says that if we seek God we will find him.  But we need to give time to this.  Marriages don't work when two people barely speak or spend time together.  Spend time in the word , not as religious duty, but as reading a love letter written just for you; pray not as a daily obligation, but with joy and expectation, as one who speaks with their best friend
  4. Don’t give up:
    Relationships are all unique, but they have common factors.   They take time and effort and don’t just happen.  Don’t give up because your relationship with God doesn’t look the same as someone else’s, but enjoy your own journey into the depths of his love for you.


  1. Thank you Abi for your encouragement to not give up and to enjoy our journey into the depths of His love for us. Beautiful! 💌


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