Grow Up

Last week I spoke about doing things consistently.  
There are just some things we have to keep doing if we want to see results, but there are other things that we do, that simply take time and there's no shortcut.  

For example if a 5 year old says they want to drive your car, nobody in their right mind would agree to that!

It is right, that a child grows up, develops, matures and learns before they can be trusted behind the wheel of a car. 

In spiritual terms, we are told in Ephesians 4:15 that we need to "...grow up in every way to Christ...".  There are some things that we just need to grow up into, in the Kingdom of God.  

There are things that the Spirit of God deposits in us when we get born again and we have immediate access to; there is authority that he gives us that is ours from the moment we become a Christian, but there are some things that just TAKE TIME!

You're not going to be called to pastor a church of 50,000, starting the day after you get saved.  There's a process of growing up in faith and there's no shortcuts.  

Just as child will grow up physically with proper care, so we will grow up in to Christ if we continue daily in the things that are needful - spending time in the word, talking and listening to the Father, practicing what we learn, worship, being faithful in the small things -if we keep doing these things, we will grow up and mature, and in time, we will be ready for the things God has called us to do.

Part of maturing is learning the difference:  faithfully exercising what we already have 'v' growing into what needs time to develop.

Today, don't be discouraged if you know God has called you to certain things that you haven't yet seen in your life.  Continue to do the daily things that lead to growing-up, be patient, enjoy the journey and God will move you when the time is right.


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