See for yourself!

The New Year is often a point in time where we consider new beginnings. We make new year's resolutions and wipe the slate clean and start over, and while goal-setting and change isn't bad, in spiritual terms, will-power alone isn't enough to effect change.  

Real and lasting change begins on the inside of us. It begins with seeing on the inside with the eyes of faith before we ever see something with our natural eyes on the outside. 

What do I mean by that?  Well, think about Joseph.   Joseph had a dream that he would one day see his family bowing before him.  He had to walk through rejection from his family, slavery, false accusations and prison before he saw that with his physical eyes!  He had a dream and I believe he held on to that dream every single day.

If Joseph had seen himself to be helpless, forsaken and lost he would have had the opportunity to fall into despair and do nothing.  The chances are, that would have kept him a slave or a prisoner until he died. 

What made the difference?  It was the vision he carried with him on the inside of him!

What vision do you carry on the inside of you?

Do you see yourself as worthless?  Do you see yourself as inferior?  Do you see yourself as weak or useless?   Do you think you are at a disadvantage to someone else?  Do you lack confidence? Do you think you have nothing to offer? 

If these, or any other such negativisms, are in your heart, your resolutions will amount to nothing.  You cannot consistently behave differently to what is in your heart, for eventually, out of what is in your heart, your mouth will speak.  What comes out of your mouth will determine the way you think, and your behaviour will follow your thoughts.

Today, as we start 2021, we have before us daily opportunities to grow; to become significantly different to the people we were last year;  to be closer to God, more attuned to his Spirit, more open to his leading.  We can see more miracles, more healings, and more people come to know Christ, but it's not going to happen by will-power or resolutions. 

It starts with a vision on the inside of us, and that comes as we read God's Word, soak in it, meditate on it, listen to his voice and walk in what he says.

You may not know what 2021 looks like exactly, but you get to decide right now if it will be a year of hope, faith, joy and victory, or not.  

We walk by faith and not by sight! 


  1. Amen Abi. Yahweh Nissi. The Lord is our Banner, the Lord is our Battlefighter, the Lord is our Victory. Praise the Lord.

  2. Amen Abi. Yahweh Nissi. The Lord is our Banner. The Lord is our Battlefighter. The Lord is our Victory. Praise the Lord.

  3. Amen Abi. Yahweh Nissi. The Lord is our Banner, the Lord is our Battlefighter, the Lord is our Victory. Praise the Lord.


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