
Today I came across this text (above) and it really spoke to me.  So many times in the bible we are told 'fear not' or 'do not be afraid', but it would be totally unreasonable and unfair of God to tell us not to do something, if it wasn't possible.  Many people think that emotions are what they are, and you can't help them,  but if God says FEAR NOT then it will be possible for us to action that in our lives.
There are some things that are dangerous and we are right to avoid them, but fear itself is not based on reality; it is the result of imaginations.

In the New Testament, we are told that:

Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
1 Peter 1:13 (NKJV)

Let's break that down a little bit.

Gird up:     This expression originates in the bible and refers to tucking up ones garment into                          your belt so as not to be hindered in activity.

Loins:        The region of the sexual organs regarded as the source of procreative power

Sober:       This has nothing to do with not being drunk. To be calm and collected in spirit; to be                      temperate, dispassionate, It's about not letting our imaginations and emotions dictate                   to us
                  (Dispassionate: not influenced by strong emotion, and so able to be rational and                           impartial.)

If I were to re-word that part of this verse I would say:
"Let's get our imagination (the place where ideas are birthed) under control, and be calm and un-emotive, so that we are unhindered in our activity..."

Fear is built upon what-ifs.  But the solid and unchanging love of God is perfect and it casts out fear.  Why? How?

In scripture, 'perfect' refers to maturity and completeness.  The love of God is complete, it lacks nothing.  That means it never fails, always wants the best for us, never behaves in a bad way (check out 1 Corinthians 13).  If we focus on God's love for us, why would we fear? If we understand God's love and we put that together with the fact in Romans 8 Paul tells us that absolutely nothing can separate us from that love, what is left to fear!  A love so perfect from a Creator so powerful and awesome, able to perform that which he promises!  
That's a WOW moment!!!! 

We have the choice to allow fear to fill our hearts and minds, or we can focus on the love of God and see that fear off, but don't be deceived - it's your choice

REALLY!  You can chose to trust God's word, meditate on his love and allow it to permeate ever fibre of your being, or you can chose to meditate on what brings you fear, imagining all the worst cases.  It's totally up to you.  So what do you chose today?

Happy Saturday!


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