Enough already!

Today I want to think about whether Jesus is enough!  I can imagine most Christian's piously asserting 'of course he is!'  but, the reality is, most people don't live like he is.

I remember speaking to a woman once who had been involved in an extra-marital affair. She was devastated by her own actions and had fallen into despair, believing that, despite her repentance, she was a terrible person.   She repented over and over again, on a daily (and sometimes twice daily) but continued to sink into depression and discouragement.  

During a conversation with this lovely lady, I felt the Holy Spirit lead me to say something (and I don't normally minister this way).  I said to her 'Yeah, you're so right! Jesus' blood wasn't enough for your sin'.

She was shocked and said 'But I thought the blood of Jesus was enough to take away the sins of the world'?'

YES!  That is the truth!  Of course it is, and once she had said this, we talked about what she knew and what she truly believed.  This lady knew that the word says Jesus' blood is enough, but she couldn't accept it was enough for her. 

She's not alone though.  Sometimes, we can mentally assent to a truth but never let it spill over into our hearts.   

Jesus is enough for you.  His blood was enough to pay for your sins entirely.  His broken body was enough to provide healing from every sickness. His death was sufficient to make your righteous, holy and blameless. 

There is only one thing that stops him from being enough and that is YOU!

Your philosophy (the way you think) can limit how much of God's grace and and love you can receive. God's word warns us to not allow clever sounding words to distract us away from Jesus being enough! See the scripture above in the picture)

Here in the UK it seems likely that we're going back into a stringent lockdown, and each one of us has a choice to get all down and defeated or we can say Jesus is enough.  He is enough to keep me from loneliness, he is enough to keep me safe and he is enough to make my life good and full, despite the world's circumstances. 

Today my challenge to you is this:  Is Jesus enough for you?  

Take a bit of time to think about areas where you know what the word says, but you have a hard time accepting it's for you.   It's time to take your eyes off yourself and start looking at Jesus, because he is most definitely sufficient for us!

Happy Saturday.


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