Light and dark


My husband, John, preached a few weeks ago at our church and he challenged us regarding what we were doing!   

Jesus' last commission to us when he left the earth was to 'go into all the world and make disciples'.  How are we doing with that?

Over lockdown, there has been a slip in many ways regarding faith.  People started to tune in to online services, but this very quickly tailed off. 

The pandemic has restricted us in many ways, but in many ways it has presented Christians with, as Paul might say, a great and effectual door of ministry! Online services, worship, sermons and blogs have become more common, but what of exercising our faith with our friends, family and neighbours?

Jesus didn't say 'Preach the gospel if you are an evangelist' or 'heal the sick if you want to'!  We are commanded to preach the gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead! 
We spend so much time worrying about what others think of us, or selfishly focussed on ourselves, that we do not 'see' the people around us who need Jesus. 

I am not saying this to condemn us, but how many of us have neighbours we have never even spoken to? Do we have friends with whom we never share our faith? People we know and meet who have sickness and we never pray for them.  How many people do we pass every day and never give a thought to?  What about those who feel lonely - do we introduce them to our ever present companion and comforter?

Days are getting darker but the truth is, our light can shine brighter, but we have to get over ourselves, and step out into the great commission Jesus gave.

Happy Saturday


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