Still, restoring?
In the well known chapter Psalm 23, David says
"He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul" (v2b-3a).
The opening verse of Psalm 23 says "I shall not want" (lack anything).
Our soul (our mind, will & emotions) can grow weary and worn down almost in more ways than our bodies.
In this day and age we are bombarded with information and mental stimulation. We have distractions galore and it can sometimes be overwhelming.
God's desire for is to have life and live it to the full, and that means having that metal and motional peace which can only come through relationship with him.
The theme of the whole psalms starts with the concept of God as our Shepherd. When we allow him to lead us as his sheep, he will lead us to a place of peace, with no lack. It doesn't promise no challenges; the psalm goes on to speak of a table in the presence of my enemies, but it does promise that we can have peace and restoration for our soul.
This weekend, don't get so wrapped up in business that you don't have time to simply enjoy the still waters and green pastures around you in that moment of peace!
Have a great weekend
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