Giving Thanks Giving Thanks

As a first year bible college student we read through the bible as a requirement of the course, and since that time, I have continued to read through the bible that way, but sometimes as I read something I think "I am sure that wasn't in there before!" 

At some moments as we read the Word, there are portions that have been there all along, but the Holy Spirit brings to our attention when he wants to show us something, and it never hit us before...

Today was like that. As I was reading, I was struck with the verse in 2 Corinthians 9:11 (The Passion Translation - TPT)"You will be abundantly enriched in every way as you give generously on every occasion, for when we take your gifts to those in need, it causes many to give thanks to God."

The bible speaks about being a cheerful giver, and I long ago realized that God cannot be out-given and so I give from a thankful heart because of what he has done for me!  I give because I know I can trust God with my finances and stuff, just as much as I do with my salvation. I give because it's good!

These are not the only reasons to give of course and as I read this verse though, I was really impacted by the fact that when we give IT CAUSES MANY TO GIVE THANKS TO GOD!

Let's say you have a need.  I come along and I give you what you need.  Hopefully you are thankful to God for his provision... but then, knowing human nature, I suspect you might start to tell other people.  "Guess what God did for me" and then they start to give thanks to God too.  They meet someone who has a need and they say "My friend had a similar situation and this is what happened..."

One person's giving has cause many to give thanks AND it has inspired others to trust God which will lead to more gratitude!   Isn't it simple.  As Christians, we need to be givers.  If you haven't yet learned to trust God in this area, I encourage you to look at the Word and see what God says about it.

In a nutshell, God's accounting is different to ours.  When we give, it is not taken away because God gives back and multiplies.  Not only that, but if you have a willing heart, he will give you seed to sow! (See 2 Cor 9:10).  In God's economy, it's not the amount that matters, but it is the heart with which it is given.  Start with what you have. God will bless it, multiply it, give it back and you can repeat!

In all this, you get blessed - Proverbs 11:25 (TPT) Those who live to bless others will have blessings heaped upon them, and the one who pours out his life to pour out blessings will be saturated with favor. (The King James Version says that he who waters will also be watered), others get blessed, but most importantly, God gets glory and thanks!

You may look at what's in your hand and think it's not enough to give, but think of the woman at the temple offering.  She dropped in a couple of pennies, but it was all that she had.  Jesus commended her, saying she had put in more than all the wealthy folk who dropped in what they could spare from their riches (Mark 12).

Giving is good and you'll never find away to out-give God.  He initiated giving... For God so loved us that HE GAVE...

Have a great weekend!


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