Spontaneity Rocks!

Last night, I just really felt the need to worship.  I messaged a bunch of friends and we got together for a spontaneous session of worship.   
I love moments like this, because there is something beautiful in just uniting in worship; no agenda, no planned songs, just a chance to come together and lift our voices, or sit and listen or whatever really.

Sometimes, no matter what denomination our church is, there's a set pattern of what Sunday's service will look like - notices, worship, sermon, prayer, final song and off we go to lunch.  Sometimes our own personal devotional time can become an item on our to-do list to be checked off, and we forget that we are in a living and vibrant relationship with the God of now!  (I Am).  

We need to recognise that breaking our spiritual relationship down into a to-do list is never going to be satisfying and fruitful (this is not negating discipline, but when we are only going through the motions, it is religion and self effort, which is never going to work out well).  Our daily story is a response to God's love, moment by moment.  Sometimes we just need to stop, be grateful, listen, remember, praise, worship, adore and love on God. 

In a marriage we do plan times away together; date nights, vacations and so on, but we also take moments to steal a kiss; to jump in the car and go for a drive to our favourite place and grab ice cream; to whisper 'I love you' or even just to look at your spouse and remember the best of times.    Sometimes, it is a cuddle; a safe place when all the world feels like it is against you.  

These spontaneous moments of love reflect our hearts.   So it is with Jesus.  When he is our all in all, there are just times when our lips sing out as we mop the kitchen floor, or we dance in abandon round the house because we remember how good he is, or maybe we just sprawl on the sofa and cry as he comforts our hearts. 

If our hearts are weary and we know there is no spontaneity in our walk with Jesus, we need to be intentional in making space to take some time alone with him and there remind ourselves of what his Word says about him, us, our circumstances and his faithful love.  When we do this, it becomes harder to be content with a rigid routine of religious or lifeless devotions, but opens our hearts to lift up our hearts, hands and voices wherever we are, to join with David and cry out "Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me, bless his holy name!" (Psalm 103:1)


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