Say so!

While I am finishing up the book that I am writing, I have been cleaning at a local school first thing in the morning.  I am the only one in the building at that time and I have the opportunity to listen to some spiritual teaching, play my audio Bible or put on praise and worship. Today, I opted for music and I love to crank up the volume and sing my heart out!  

I was listening to a particular album and one of the songs came on entitled 'Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So', taken from Psalm 107:2.

It really began to speak to me about how Christians and the church at large remain silent instead of saying so!  We are the redeemed!! 

That is not something to be quiet about!

Do you know what redeemed means... I always think about when I was child sometimes we went to these arcades where you would win tokens and then when you were done you'd take the tokens to a little kiosk and REDEEM them for a prize. The more tokens you had, the better prize you could get.  That's not a bad analogy, but look at this!

This is how the dictionary defines the word REDEEMED

1) Compensate for the for the faults/bad aspects of.

2) do something that compensates for poor past performance or behaviour.

3) gain or regain possession of (something) in exchange for payment

4) free (oneself or another) from slavery or captivity by paying a ransom

5) fulfil or carry out (a pledge or promise).

Think about those things in light of what Jesus has done: 
He compensated for your faults, sins and poor performance.  He fulfilled his pledge and promise through Jesus Christ to do all that was prophesied through the Old Testament.  God the Father re-took possession of us in exchange for the payment made by Jesus' blood and that blood was the ransom to free us from captivity!!

That has absolutely got to be worth saying! No wonder the Psalmist said 'Let the redeemed of the Lord say SO!'  and he didn't even have the full revelation available to us because Jesus hadn't come yet!

In verse 8 of the same chapter the writer declares
'Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men'.   
That is my prayer for us all today!  Oh that we will speak out, declare our praise and proclaim his goodness to those we meet, instead of moaning about the crappy stuff the world is offering.   Today, if you are redeemed will you say so!   Will you tell someone how good Jesus has been to you!  

Scripture tells us it is the goodness of God that leads people to repentance (Romans 2:4) so let's speak out his goodness and wonderful works and encourage others to get to know our good, good Father!


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