Never have I ever..

Sometimes as Christians we can come across a new spiritual opportunity in life and we panic! Have you ever had that experience.  Maybe the first time you're asked to pray out loud, or share your testimony.
Maybe have a friend who has a headache, and we know we could pray for them; but we think 'I've never prayed for that before!' 

We forget so quickly that the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in our hearts and he has most definitely done it before.  

If we were playing a Christian version of "Never have I ever...'  We might say:
Never have I ever seen someone healed;
Never have I ever watched the dead rise;
Never have I ever seen God work miracles...

But the Holy Spirit would be the one saying:
Yup,  I've done that;
Yeah that was good fun!
and 'I have so seen that over and over and over'.
From the foundation of the world he Holy Spirit has been creating, breathing life into dead situations or bodies, comforting, empowering, leading, guiding and exuding wonder-working power!

What's amazing today is, that the same-spirit that literally raised Jesus from the dead and enabled him to conquer sin, death and the grave once and for all, lives within us!   We are not 'only human' any more - we are one third wall-to-wall Holy Spirit!  

It is the Holy Spirit that brings possibility to the words 'I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me'.  (Phil 4:13)

It is the Holy Spirit that flows through us to bring to pass the words 'Lay hands on the sick and the SHALL recover'.  It is the Holy Spirit that moves on our natural hearts with compassion to love the unlovely, forgive the mean and give away all that we have to bring glory to the name of Jesus and build God's Kingdom here on earth!

You may be able to say with absolute certainty "Never have I ever..." But the Holy Spirit says with greater confidence 'Don't worry, I have!'


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