What's that?

Have you ever considered that it is not as important THAT you believe as WHAT you believe? Everyone believes something.  People believe the world is flat, or that the moon landing is a conspiracy, or that there is no God.   Every person puts their faith in things multiple times a day -whether that's in a green traffic light meaning it's clear to go, or in a supplement that will improve your health, or in a relationship.. 

Faith will only truly be effective when we believe in the truth.  We all believe, but it is WHAT or WHO we believe in that will determine whether our faith 'works'.    

Faith starts with God's gift to us - a measure of faith just like Jesus had.  What we do with that measure is up to us.  When they asked Jesus to increase their faith, Jesus said it didn't matter the size of what they had.  A minute seed of faith in God's word can move mountains.  It's all about what you believe.  When you believe the truth, you have mountain-moving faith. 

So what does this mean for us..  We need to find out the 'truth' and believe it! We can only do that by firstly finding out what God has to say - read his word. See what he has to say about things; learn what his nature is and how much he loves you.  You need to have the groundwork in place, as it is impossible to decide to believe if you don't know what you are deciding on!

It really is a choice after that.  

When I was a child I remember being up on the stairs in a house we were visiting.  We lived in bungalow (ranch style house - one level) and didn't have stairs.  I remember being about half way up. Dad was at the bottom of the stairs chatting before we left and I called out "Daddy I coming!!" And launched myself off. He caught me!  
The point is I had absolute faith that my dad would catch me.   It never even occurred to me that he might not.  The reason I could have such faith is because I knew my dad!  

The same is true of God, but to such a greater degree (my wonderful earthly dad will of course let me down from time to time, and I'm certain were I to launch myself off the stairs towards him today, it would be a different outcome lol) but God never let's us down, but we need to know him, to know that about him. 

God's instruction is to trust in him with all our hearts and not to try and lean on our own understanding - look at, listen to and believe what he says.

We can chose whether we take God at his word or not.   Faith isn't about mustering up something, or trying to believe even though in your heart you know it's not true.  It's about discerning the truth and then deciding to believe what God says is true.  


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