What's the connection?

Just a short thought today..
Our lives are only truly meaningful when they have connection.  God created us firstly for relationship, firstly with him and secondly with others.   He designed families, he designed church, he designed teams and friendships. 

Without connection to God we can never fulfil our potential.  Without connection to others we miss out on significance, purpose and acceptance in the natural realm too. 

Relationships are not always easy, but when we get things in the wrong order, it will be harder.   We need to make our relationship with God our highest priority.  From him comes our peace, strength, joy, wisdom and so much more.  Then we can have intentional and meaningful connections with others. 

If we struggle to make that connection with others, we need to look at our relationship with God .   Paul said, it is no longer I that liveth, but Christ that lives in me.   When we took God up on his offer of salvation to renew a right connection with God, we take Christ into our hearts and he lives in us and as we allow him to flow out of us, we can connect with others too. 


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