Is that significant?

John Maxwell said "To be significant, all you have to do is make a difference with others wherever you are, with whatever you have, day by day."

One of the things we all need in life is significance. Significance is defined as 'the quality of being worthy of attention; importance.'  We may not want to be the centre of attention, but we all want someone to think we are important in this life. 

Jesus is the one that gives us our significance and worth.  The bible tells us in Matthew 10:29 (TPT)

"You can buy two sparrows for only a copper coin, yet not even one sparrow falls from its nest without the knowledge of your Father. Aren’t you worth much more to God than many sparrows?"

Jesus thought you were of the highest importance to him. He gave you worth when he gave up his life for you.  When we realise and recognise our significance in him, we can then go ahead and make a difference to all those we meet day by day.  It doesn't have to be huge things; being kind, being gracious, being generous, these are all things things that make a difference to others and bring significance to our human relationships too. 

We cannot give away what we don't have.  If we strive for significance in human relationships first, we will never be satisfied. There will always be people who let us down, don't like us or who don't think we are worthy of their attention or don't see us as important, but when we root ourselves in Christ, when we know how much we are loved, accepted and valued in him, then we can be rest in that significance and take it and be significant in our world, whether we are on a stage for thousands or at a grocery store in our home town. 

You are deeply loved and highly valued.


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