Get instruction

I wasn't really a Star Wars fan until I got married.  Somewhere in the last 25 years my beloved husband talked me into watching the original three movies, and I really enjoyed them. Of course, then you have to watch the new three that go before the originals and then the ones that fit after.  

Well recently a couple of series have been launched and John and I have been watching them.  In one episode of 'The Book of Boba Fett', one character says this
"Persistence without instruction will lead to the same outcome"

We can be really zealously doing and doing and doing, and yet without teaching or training, we don't get anywhere. 

Christians don't just become wiser or more in tune with God accidentally or just by going at something over and over. We need to be wise, and we need instruction. 

We can try the same things over and over and over again, but if we don't really know what we're doing we're not going to get the results we're desiring.

We learn truth, we practice it, we grow.  We learn from the word, we listen to the Spirit and from others wiser than ourselves.

Today's thoughts are:  From where do you get your instruction?   How do you intentionally allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you?  When do allow time for the Word to train and correct you?  And where do you find those men and women of God who will teach by the Spirit to help cultivate the Word in your life?

As believers, one of the easiest things we can do is stop listening to instruction, and at it's worst, even believe we don't need it.  If we want to be wise, find wise people, hand around them, listen to them, ready their teachings (especially the Bible of course). 

Proverbs 13:20 (TPT)
If you want to grow in wisdom, spend time with the wise.
Walk with the wicked and you’ll eventually become just like them.


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