Easily Distracted?

Nehemiah went to rebuild a wall. Doing what he did to honour God and call the people back to worship. He faced many attacks; people mocking him, writing letters to bring fear, people trying to tempt him to do wrong so they could then hold it against him, people making false accusations,  people lying about him, people plotting against him, threatening him,  people mad at him...and yet he refused to be distracted from his purpose, continuing to seek God, to ask for God's strength, listening to God. 

It is easy for us to become distracted from God's purpose when others come against us, but just as Nehemiah kept his focus and completed the mission, so must we.  When the job was done, the people came together in worship.  We must press on, complete the task and then give God the glory.  

In the end everyone could see that God had done the work and the people praised.

Don't waste precious time trying to justify yourself or correct some mistruth, but continue to the finish the task God has given you.  

A minister I know once said that he had a vision where he was running on a track and then spectators in the bleachers started shouting out criticising his running. He stopped running and went over and tried to tell them why they were wrong and explain stuff... God showed him that these were just distractions and he just needed to keep running the race.

So today my encouragement to you is to look at what God has put in your heart to do and if you've allowed yourself to become distracted, get back in the race, fix your focus, worship God  and give him the glory!


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