Whatcha got?

Today as we are preparing for an excellent church service, I was thinking about why we go to church.  During the last 18 months, we've been locked down, and online church has created many wonderful opportunities for believers to stay connected when meeting together was not possible. 

However, now that church are coming back in person, there are many people that still think that it's ok to stay in their pjs and watch the service from their living room, or catch up later if the weather's nice and they can go off for a walk instead of attending the service.

There are multiple reasons why I think that going to church in person is an absolute necessity, but one of the lesser discussed reasons for that is because I truly believe what Paul told us in Corinthians and Romans, when he tells us that we are part of a body, and that we each have gifts, and we should be bringing them into the church setting to minister to and encourage one another. 

If you're sitting at home watching online, you are not fulfilling your potential as a Christian. God has placed gifts inside you and and you are created to use those gifts to bless, edify and exhort the rest of the 'church'.  Now of course, God will find whosoever is available to flow though, but when you don't get involved in that plan of God, you miss out too. 

We each hear God and minister in a way unique and personal, and we each are needed in the body to share God's words.  You will speak to people I never will.  Your way of sharing will reach someone in your church that others may not connect with personally.

What have you got to give?  Don't hold back because in being all that God created us to me, both the giver and receiver are blessed.  

Yes, I know you can be part of the body when you're not in church, but church was God's idea!  When we come together physically in person with the intention of worshipping God and encouraging each other, great things will happen.

So today, my challenge is whatcha got!  What are you brining to your church today?  Who are you going to encourage?   You are a part of the body and you have something to bring to the service.


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