
Just a short thought today.

What drives you? 

That's it!  Everyone is driven by something.  What moves you to read the bible, or pray or worship God?  Sometimes we are driven by the problems we face.  Something happens that is negative, challenging or sad, and we turn to Christ for an answer.  That is ok, but what is better is when we are driven by our knowledge of the love of God, and his wonderful promises to us. 

When we know God's love and we know his promises, we will worship, pray and desire the word.

It's a bit of a catch 22 though.  If you don't know how much you are loved, and what God has promised you, you can't respond to or live in that love.  To know God's love you need to be in the word, talking to the Lord (praying), and listening to his voice. 

If you know that you are driven by external things, then you will struggle; one crisis to another things will come your way, but there is great peace and security in knowing that we are loved, and reading the promises of God, and knowing they are for us today. That's where we want to 'live'.  God's word tells us that in his presence there is FULLNESS OF JOY (Psalm 16:11)

Fulness here according the Strong's concordance means: satiety, abundance, fullness. 

God's presence satisfies every part of you.   When we live in that place, then we live thanking God for his goodness, his peace, his love, his favour, his kindness and so then when crises come we are already believing his word, and knowing he will come through for us.

HIs promises are according to 2 Peter 1:4 are "exceeding great and precious'.  Let's chose to know and walk in these and find that satisfaction that is only possible in Christ.

Happy Saturday


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