Up and down

Balance!   It's a word the Lord gave me many years ago, and it keeps coming up in my life and walk with the Lord. This week I was thinking about the balance of peace and trust. 

There are things in life that are on a metaphorical scale. One goes up and something else goes down.

Peace is on one side of the scale and self-reliance is on the other.

When we trust in the Lord, our peace level goes up,  when we trust in ourself or something other than Jesus, our peace will decrease.  

It sounds obvious, but it's about trusting God do what he says he will, and letting go of the stress and worry about how we are going to fix it, control it or change it, will bring us peace. 

Being a Christian is all about realizing we can't do it ourselves.  It starts with the fact we can't pay for our own righteousness, and is all about the truth we can't really make it in life ourselves, no matter how strong, competent, rich or intelligent we think we are.  There are always people and circumstances beyond our control.   We need the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us; we need the power of God to heal, save and deliver us, and we can only find true purpose, acceptance and love in the relationship Jesus offers.  

When we finally realize this, we are free to chose to hold on to a mad idea that somehow we are enough, or we can simply trust God and turn our cares over to him because he cares for us.

1 Peter 5:7 (TPT) tells us to
"Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you."

When we trust, the resulting action will be letting go, and the benefit of that will be peace in your life. In a world that is in turmoil, we need to find that peace that passes natural understanding and live in it. 

Have a great weekend. 


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