Well, what do you know?

We often create misunderstandings about things as Christians. For example, we talk about eternal life, and the suggestion is that eternal life means living forever. But in this verse (John 17:3) Jesus tells us that eternal life is about knowing him and God the Father. Now we can talking about 'knowing' something like French or algebra, but this KNOW is the Greek word Ginosko/Gnosis and it is a euphemism for sexual relationships. It is the equivalent of the Hebrew word used in Genesis 4 which says that Adam KNEW his wife and she bore a son. In English, the best way to translate it would probably be: to personally, intimately and experientially know something. It is different from other words translated 'know'; Eido knowledge by perception or recognition Epignosis precise and correct knowledge (factual) This 'knowing' is so personal that for each of...