Enough already!

Today I want to think about whether Jesus is enough! I can imagine most Christian's piously asserting 'of course he is!' but, the reality is, most people don't live like he is. I remember speaking to a woman once who had been involved in an extra-marital affair. She was devastated by her own actions and had fallen into despair, believing that, despite her repentance, she was a terrible person. She repented over and over again, on a daily (and sometimes twice daily) but continued to sink into depression and discouragement. During a conversation with this lovely lady, I felt the Holy Spirit lead me to say something (and I don't normally minister this way). I said to her 'Yeah, you're so right! Jesus' blood wasn't enough for your sin'. She was shocked and said 'But I thought the blood of Jesus was enough to take away the sins of the world'?' YES! That is the truth! Of course it is, and once she had said this, we talked about wha...