Who for?

Happy Easter to you all.  The picture has nothing to do with my blog today, but it was cute, and in a world with lots of negativity, a bit of cuteness is nice!

Today I want to continue my thoughts at this strange time in our history and talk about our response as Christians to this situation.

Humans often look at what we do as measure of our success, our standing or our worth.  We're in lockdown!  Some of us can't go to work! Some of us are worried about money. Some of us are on our own, so how can what we do be of any significance!

Well, of course God doesn't value or love us based on what we do, but more than that, he doesn't look so much at what we do, but is more interested in how we do what we do it.

The verse that I picked today is Col 3:23 And whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men (KJV).

I want to encourage you that whether you are doing dishes, painting fences, shopping for others or making calls to encourage you friends and neighbours do it as unto the Lord.  You will find a joy in doing so, and you will be more conscious of the presence of God as you do all as unto Him.

Have a great Easter and as 3 John 1:2 says: Be healthy and thrive, even at such a time as this!


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