Filled up

Today I want to pose a challenging question; one that I have been asking myself over this lockdown.

Is Jesus enough? 

It's something that I have been meditating on in this time where we are isolated from most of our friends and family.  Where I am working from home, and life is uncertain.  What if nothing ever went back to 'normal'?  Would Jesus be enough?

Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe that it will be this way forever at all, but my point is, even if that was right, would Jesus be enough?

In Psalm 16:11 we read that in His presence there is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore!   There is no limitation on this truth.  We don't find 'fulness of joy' when the world around us is functioning as we think it should, or when we are at work, or even when we are with other people.  In HIS PRESENCE is fulness of joy!  

Where is his presence?  Almost any Christian will tell you that God's is close, that his presence is with and within us. If that is true, and it is, the word says that there is fulness of joy!   

It's easy for us to get focussed on a whole lot of other things, but we need to remind ourselves that God's presence is with us, and that there is fulness of joy here and now.

Now happiness is usually based on your own pleasure, but joy is based on something outside of yourself.  We can have joy even in the face of difficulty. We might say that joy the settled assurance that God is good and he is active in my life; the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going work out and the determined choice to praise him no matter what the situation looks like. It is a gladness that is based on knowing God and knowing how he feels about us.

In God's presence there is fulness of joy!  Fulness, means the state of being filled to capacity!

Today I encourage you to meditate on the fact that in God's presence there is fulness of joy.  You ARE in His presence wherever you are!  

Have a great weekend.  


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