Open all hours.

Today I was thinking about the overall intelligence level of humanity, and you gotta admit that we can be kind of dumb!
Of course there are varying degrees of stupid, but what I mean is that we are just not as smart as we like to think.

Really think about how many times you have found yourself in the same position over and over again.  We just don't seem to learn.

As I was reading this verse, I thought of how true that is regarding the fact that we seem to believe that God doesn't know who we are. We think somehow we have fooled him, and that can be the only reason why he would possibly have anything to do with us.  We think him shocked when we make a mess of things or disappointed when the mask comes off and we reveal who we are. 

The truth is God knows EXACTLY who you are and what you're like!  He made you! This passage in Hebrews says that there's nothing hidden from God.  While some might cringe at that statement, I think it is actually one of great freedom! 

God knows everything there is to know about me, and yet he still loves me!  That's a comforting thought that actually gives my heart great liberty; I can be myself, because who I am is already known by God.   And while  it is true that he was once aware of my sin, he has chosen to remember that no more and remove it from me as far as the east is from the west.

When we stop deluding ourselves that we've managed to cover over the flaws and mistakes with God, we can relax and come boldly into his presence. That's truly amazing.  It means there is grace for a short-comings, because God doesn't fall off his throne, shake his head and wonder why his bothering with us when we fall.  Instead we can rest assured that he loves us and his love his HUGE!

There is no time when who we are is hidden from Jesus.  Our lives, if you like, are open all hours with God, who choses to adopt us and make us joint-heirs with Christ, totally accepted.

Today, let go of trying to cover up with God.  You are already known to him. Instead rejoice in the fact that you are deeply loved and are already accepted.  That's a very safe place to be.


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