Consolation prized

As I was reading the bible this week, this verse from Psalms 94:19 ministered to me.  It say
"In the multitude of my thoughts within me

thy comforts delight my soul." (KJV)

Some other versions read 'anxiety' instead of 'thoughts' as the word use there actually means 'disquieting thoughts'.

Have you ever had days when your thoughts all seem troubling?  Maybe not a big serious problems, but all the little stuff that gets you down. 

I have had days when everything seems to be stressy or difficult, and my thoughts just go over and over these things.  The good news is that we don't have to live in that place,

The Psalmist says that the Lord's comfort brought him joy.  To me that's encouraging.

The Lord gave consolation (comfort) in the first place, but that comfort also brought with it joy.  God's comfort isn't simply a 'there, there, there' moment.  It brings real relief for our situations, regardless of what is happening in our circumstances.  We need to prize (value extremely highly) God's consolation.  

In Nehemiah 8:10 it says that the joy of the Lord is our strength.  We can see that God brings us comfort, joy and therefore strength even when our own thoughts are running all over the place!

We can bring our thoughts under control, but even when our minds our anxious God is able to bring us great comfort and joy!  

Have a great weekend!


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