Hold On Let Go!

As the weather changed this week (and then changed back for the weekend, yay)  I was thinking about the fact that for everything there is as a season, and what's really important is we know what season we are in and act accordingly.   

For example, when we were living in Canada, it got down to -40 where we were. On one occasion it was about -20C. We worked in a row of buildings and kind of diagonally opposite us was a fast food place.  I wanted to pop out to the fast food place and grab some chips and a hot chocolate.   It was literally 100 yards across the car park. I didn't bother to grab my coat or gloves. When I got back my face and hands were so cold they were burning.  It was stupid, but in that instance, no real harm done, but I learned my lesson.  When it's cold, act accordingly!!

The same is true in life.  We need to know which seasons we are in.   In the book of Ecclesiastes we see in chapter 3 that for everything there is a season.   In the second half of verse 6 it says that there is time to keep and a time to throw away.

I was thinking about that with some things that I have had on my heart for some time.  I believe the Holy Spirit is showing me that there is a time to hold on to things tightly.  In Proverbs 4:23 (NLT) it shows us that we are to 'Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.'  and in Proverbs 23:23 (NKJV) "Buy the truth, and do not sell it. Also wisdom and instruction and understanding."  There are some things which we have to hold on to at all costs and keep, but there are some other things, that in the words of Elsa from Frozen, we need to LET IT GO.

There are some things we just need to release at certain seasons of our lives.  That may be an unhealthy relationship, hurt or anger, fear or failure. 

My encouragement to you today is to have a look over this season of your life.  Are there things you need to let go of?  What is it you need to hang on to today?  I pray the Holy Spirit will show you the difference.

Have a great rest of your weekend.  


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