What's that in your hand?

Sometimes as Christian's, we don't understand the value of what we actually have.  We look around us and say "I have nothing to offer", "I can't do anything", or "I have nothing to do".

God sees things differently to us. (Who knew 😀)

Last week I looked at the feeding of the 5000 in Mark 6.   When the disciples first ask Jesus what they should do about feeding the people, Jesus response is "YOU give them something to eat".  That must have seemed like a ludicrous statement.  In fact, they even said something to the effect of "What? You want us to go and get a few loaves of bread", but I am sure that '200 pennyworth' wasn't enough to feed 5000 people!

Jesus goes on to essentially ask them "So what DO you have?"   They look about and find 5 loaves and two fishes.  We know that Jesus takes this and it multiples in the hands of the disciples as they distribute it.

Back in Exodus chapter 4, we find Moses talking to God.   God is sending him back to his people to lead them into freedom and a promised land.   Moses is coming up with a whole bunch of excuses as to why the people will not believe him. In verse 2 the Lord says to him "What have you got in your hand?"   It is a mere stick; an old bit of plant, but when it is allowed to be used for God's purposes it becomes more than a piece of dead wood.

We need to understand that we are never empty-handed!  Whatever we have, when we place it in God's hands, can be multiplied and transformed!

Don't focus on your limitations. The bible says The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want (Psalm 23).  "Want" here means TO LACK, TO FAIL, TO MAKE LOWER! 

This is an OT promise (I SHALL NOT WANT) without the covenant that we have today.  We can be assured that we then have more under a NT promise.  "Lack' is not part of who we are!  We always have things in our hands and God will work with what we offer him!

Don't look at what you think you don't have.  Look what you do have and do it for the glory of God and he will prosper WHATSOEVER you turn your hand to. 

If you are creative, make cards or gifts to encourage others.  If you aren't able to get out too much, call up your friends or send an email to let them know you are praying for them.  Bake a cake for a neighbour. Babysit for your friends so they can have a little time to themselves..  These are small things in many ways, but when we do something with what seems like a little, God is able to make it into something miraculous!

Have a great week!


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