Weebles Wobble But they don't fall down!

Some of you may remember the Weebles!   They were toys a few (ahem) years ago when I was growing up.  The pic on the right is a slightly more modern version, but the principle is the same.  The slogan for these toys was
"Weebles wobble but they don't fall down".

These toys can tip almost horizontal, but they bounce back up again.  They never fall over.

I was talking with a friend and I realize that sometimes, when I let my focus wonder from the Lord, I can feel a bit like one of these things!  I feel as though I am having a wobble, but I these days I know that I won't fall down!

Paul said "We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;" 2 Corinthians 4:8

I can't answer for the guys, but for me as a girl, I know my emotions can sometimes get a bit ahead of me (maybe I am the only one like that???).  In those moments a situation may feel overwhelming, but I need to remember that I am like the Weebles.  I may wobble but I won't fall down.

The more I get to know God and the more I keep my mind fixed on him, the less I wobble and the quicker I come back to the right way up if I do!

Wobbles can cause doubts and fear, but they are always alleviated by going back to the word, instead of relying on feelings.

I've talked a lot over the last few weeks about emotions, peace and stability, but it's easy when life is going exactly as we expect (does that actually happen??) but more often than not there is change and/or challenges in our lives, and that's why I've spent more than one week on it.

Many years ago, before I went to Bible College, I lived my life subject to emotions; if life was good I was ok, but if something wasn't going right, I'd be discouraged, doubtful and down.   This makes for a life that is not consistent and that is full of wobbles. It's not a pleasant experience.   When I first understood that emotions are created to be under our control, and that the word supersedes even my emotions, my life began to become more stable, even when things around me were fluctuating. There is great peace in that.  It's so much better to enjoy emotions, but not to rely on them.

I think my first blog looked at my favourite scripture "Let not your heart be troubled" (John 14:1). This verse really challenged me because LET NOT is a command.  Jesus didn't say "Come on guys, try not to get upset about it". He said DON'T ALLOW. I realized that this was an instruction, and God doesn't tell us to do what cannot be done.  We all know the fruit of the Spirit includes self-control, it is who we are to be able to bring our emotions under control. 

Stuff happens in our lives but we don't have to let it crush us or cause us to despair.  Instead we need to remember these Weebles, and get back up again. Get back to focussing on the Word and remind ourselves who we really are and exactly who we belong to!

Have a great week.


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