Are you busy?

This has been an interesting month for me; just enjoying rest.   In my adult life I have had vacations of course, but this is the first time I would say I have had 'season' of rest. I've enjoyed being able to focus on the things that I wouldn't normally have time for, but have you ever noticed how easy it actually is to make time to do the things you really want to!  Let's face it, if someone offered you a million dollars/pounds and all you had to do was go and pick it up, you'd make a way!  But I realize that I am not alone when I say, that we struggle to live our lives in a balanced way that enables to do what we need to, but also gives us time to invest in our relationship with the Lord.

1st Corinthians 10:23 tells us that all things are lawful for us, but not all things are expedient or edifying. That word 'expedient' means convenient or practical.  In context Paul is probably also using this word to allude to something improper, but the truth holds, even if we do not imply anything immoral. 

In this day and age, we find that we have social media, movies on demand, games consoles, social activities, family commitments, work, DIY and so much other 'stuff' with which to fill our time.  While none of these things in themselves are necessarily 'bad' we need to look at whether they are going to edify us, whether they are practical and whether they really lead to seeing our vision/goals come to pass.

When I started to lose weight, people would often say to me 'oh isn't it hard to go without such-and-such'.  In reality, it was really hard UNTIL the day I decided enough was enough and I really wanted to lose that weight. Then it became easy, because eating a huge slice of cake didn't move me towards my desire, so it was no sacrifice to opt for something else. What I wanted most (to lose lbs) was so important to me, it became no contest what to chose.  The truth is, what I value/desire, I will sow into.

We can be praying "Lord, I want to know you more. I want to hear your voice more clearly. I want more intimacy with you", but then we find we flick the TV on instead of pursuing that desire.  This says to me that though the desire is genuine, it hasn't become valuable enough for me to take action to pursue it.

Owning this to be true is the beginning of change. Asking God for a revelation of His goodness causes change to happen in our hearts.  Our desires increase when we see how good He is and how much He loves us, because we are created to respond to His grace, love and goodness.  When we 'see' those things, we are drawn into worship, reading His Word and spending time talking and listening to Him.

Sometimes it is needful to look at what we are 'busy' with and determine what is really in our hearts.  Good things are not always 'God things'.  If we need wisdom to determine the difference, He will give that to us too!  


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