Say so!

While I am finishing up the book that I am writing, I have been cleaning at a local school first thing in the morning. I am the only one in the building at that time and I have the opportunity to listen to some spiritual teaching, play my audio Bible or put on praise and worship. Today, I opted for music and I love to crank up the volume and sing my heart out! I was listening to a particular album and one of the songs came on entitled 'Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So', taken from Psalm 107:2. It really began to speak to me about how Christians and the church at large remain silent instead of saying so! We are the redeemed!! That is not something to be quiet about! Do you know what redeemed means... I always think about when I was child sometimes we went to these arcades where you would win tokens and then when you were done you'd take the tokens to a little kiosk and REDEEM them for a prize. The more tokens you had, the better prize you could get. ...