Depend on it

This week I have been thinking about this verse and while I love thinking about the fact that's God promises are YES and AMEN in Christ, today I want to focus on the last part "To the glory of God through us".

This really spoke to me!  Why?  Because the reason that his promises are SO dependable, is to give him the glory through us!  

When people see God's promises in our lives, the glory goes to God.  We get to be an advert of God's amazing goodness, grace, love and mercy!  And all we have to do is believe his promises!!  

He makes the promises!  He delivers!  All we have to do is believe, and then we get to not only experience the fruit of those promises, but in doing so, we get to give glory to God and shine his love in the darkness. 

I don't know if today I am explaining that well, but as I am typing I am smiling!!  This excites me!  To be able to bring glory to God by simply receiving his promises! 
That's really good news in my book!

To help keep this in mind, I've added this link to a wonderful worship song to remind us that God is faithful and His promises are always yes and amen!


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