Greener grass

Have you ever heard the expression "The grass is always greener on the other side"?  It is an expression meaning that we look away from our own situation and think that someone has it easier, or something is better somewhere you're not... Well it's not true!  The truth is that the grass is greener where you water it!

When we lived in Colorado there was a serious drought and almost zero humidity.. Even the snow was dry! In the summer it was so warm, but you didn't sweat at all... grass looked brown UNLESS you had a sprinkler system! .. The gardens of those who had sprinklers had plush, very green lawns despite the weather.

Another example is that I learned French for 7 years, but rarely use it now.  It's there somewhere... sometimes I can recall the seeds that were planted, but in my adult life I don't water (practice, consider, study) them, so they don't grow.

What you water in your life grows. 

It's not enough to read something once, even from the Word and think you know it.  You water it and it will sprout and grow.   While seedlings are young, they are fragile, but a huge tree suffers less in a drought than a small stalk. 

The Word is like that: you need to water the things that you are reading.  Read the word, study it (and there's a difference), meditate on it during the day and repeat!  As you water something it grows in strength, it stands the storms or droughts because it has been watered in its youth. 

I had a plant many years ago - a peace lily I think and I am bad with plants, but this plant would wilt visibly when it needed water.   The plant wasn't dead, it just needed to be watered.  I realised this same principal last year that some word-seeds I had sown in my heart didn't bear fruit. I saw they had been neglected, though I thought I knew them.  God's word never dies, but it needs us to water them, and see them spring to life, otherwise if they are not strong they can be taken down when other things rise against us or distract us.  There's something deeply satisfying about watering a plant like my lily and literally watching it perk up or revive, and so it is with the Word.   As you water the Word and watch it revive it excites you all over again.  It brings new hope, new joy and fresh energy.

So my challenge is go back and water what you know.   Don't give up, it's still there - the grass isn't greener somewhere else; you just need to water your own grass and watch it grow!

I'd love to hear from you if your reading today. Please feel free to comment using the bit below or shoot me an email or Facebook post.  


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