Go with the flow

There's a well-known expression that says 'just go with the flow', isn't there?  It means be relaxed and accept a situation, rather than trying to alter or control it.

There are times in life where naturally speaking, I definitely DON'T want to go with the flow, but I want to think about the spiritual implications this could have. Have you ever walked away from a conversation, situation or encounter and though 'I know the Holy Spirit was trying to say or do something there' but you didn't follow through... That's what I mean.  

God presents us with multiple intrusions into our daily life - things he has orchestrated and we need to 'go with the spiritual flow' of the Holy Spirit. 

One day Jesus was busy heading off with Jairus, to heal his daughter when the women with the issue of blood stopped him on the way. He could have said nothing to that women; he could have scolded her and said 'Can't you see I'm busy!  I'm going to raise someone from the dead!', but he didn't. Jesus went with the flow (of the Holy Spirit).  A women was healed from something that had afflicted her for 12 years and then still went on to heal the young lady too. There are so many instances of Jesus going with the flow of the Father and seeing amazing situations happen.

We have to be willing to go with THAT flow - to allow the Spirit of God to minister through us to those we encounter on our journeys.   

Whether that flow is saying something, offering prayer, taking a different route than you planned, bringing a gift, making a call.... so many ways the Holy Spirit wants to use us to grow God's Kingdom. 

I've had some great seed-planting opportunities this week, as I have tried to be more conscious of the voice of the Holy Spirit leading me.  Remember, when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, he has things to say through you, things to do through you as well as things he does within you!

This week, let this be your conscious decisions to 'go with the flow' in this way; and see where that flow takes you and those you meet!

Happy Saturday


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