
Showing posts from March, 2022


One of the things I most notice about life today is the noise.  There's always noise.  TVs are on, radios are playing, people filling silences with mindless chatter.   Even in church, the service leader says "Let's just have a time of silence to reflect on what we've just heard' and in a few seconds or so either someone starts to pray or people start checking their watches.   Silence intimidates us. We fill it with any and everything, not necessarily evil or bad, but just noise.  When we surround ourselves continually with the noise of this world, it's hard to focus or find intimacy with Holy Spirit.  We need to be happy with silence as a space to listen, and then God can speak at a frequency that the heart can grasp.   He never shouts.  He most often speaks in that still small voice, that can only be heard when we are settled and at peace, and quiet.   The language of love is best heard from a quiet and peaceful heart....

What's that?

Have you ever considered that it is not as important THAT you believe as WHAT you believe? Everyone believes something.  People believe the world is flat, or that the moon landing is a conspiracy, or that there is no God.   Every person puts their faith in things multiple times a day -whether that's in a green traffic light meaning it's clear to go, or in a supplement that will improve your health, or in a relationship..  Faith will only truly be effective when we believe in the truth.  We all believe, but it is WHAT or WHO we believe in that will determine whether our faith 'works'.     Faith starts with God's gift to us - a measure of faith just like Jesus had.  What we do with that measure is up to us.  When they asked Jesus to increase their faith, Jesus said it didn't matter the size of what they had.  A minute seed of faith in God's word can move mountains.  It's all about what you believe.  When you believe the tru...

What's the connection?

Just a short thought today.. Our lives are only truly meaningful when they have connection.  God created us firstly for relationship, firstly with him and secondly with others.   He designed families, he designed church, he designed teams and friendships.  Without connection to God we can never fulfil our potential.  Without connection to others we miss out on significance, purpose and acceptance in the natural realm too.  Relationships are not always easy, but when we get things in the wrong order, it will be harder.   We need to make our relationship with God our highest priority.  From him comes our peace, strength, joy, wisdom and so much more.  Then we can have intentional and meaningful connections with others.  If we struggle to make that connection with others, we need to look at our relationship with God .   Paul said, it is no longer I that liveth, but Christ that lives in me.   When we took G...

A little reflection

It's often easy to look at ourselves or others and simply refer to that as a guide for who we, or someone else, is. We can see ourselves as fat, skinny, old young, educated, stupid or as the sum of everything that has happened to us, but the truth is, none of that is not who we are. We can look at ourselves in the mirror and see a little, inadequate reflection.   It's easy to meet others do the same, based on what we see, but Paul tells us that this is not the way to look at one another any more . 2 Corinthians 5:16 (TPT)  So then, from now on, we have a new perspective that refuses to evaluate people merely by their outward appearances. For that’s how we once viewed the Anointed One, but no longer do we see him with limited human insight. First we must begin to see ourselves as God sees us, and then we can apply the same measure to others we meet.    Lauren Daigle puts it beautifully in her song "You say" I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enoug...