Let it rain

Today I went out for my Saturday morning run.  I procrastinated a little more than usual and by the time I actually got out of my front door it was raining.  It wasn't raining too hard, but when I got half way round the route it started to get harder and harder until I was drenched by the time I got home. 

While I was drying off and warming up, it made me think about a spiritual principal;  we can get as soaked (immersed) in the Spirit as we want to.   Staying at home I would have been dry and I could have thought about the run, and considered it and wondered about it, but the truth is I wouldn't have experienced it.

The Holy Spirit can be like that for us. We can watch from the sidelines, talk about the Holy Spirit, think about the Holy Spirit, ask other people about how they experienced the Holy Spirit and yet never let ourselves get fully immersed in Him. 

Sometimes you just got to get out there and get soaked.   

The Holy Spirt longs to be a consistent part of our lives and he wants to flow through us more and more, influencing us, leading us into all truth, teaching us guiding us, strengthening us, empowering us,  and helping us even to worship God. We have the choice of how 'wet' we get though!  

The bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is a good gift that God gives us (Luke 11:13). So, today I want encourage you to step further in to the things of the Spirit. Let Him saturate your life and live out of that fullness.  You'll never regret it!


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