Truth or truth

A few week ago at church, we were discussing MY truth v THE truth, and it's something that I've been thinking on since that service. 

OUR truth is always subjective.  It is coloured by our experience, upbringing and culture.  We firmly believe OUR truth is correct, and we rehearse it, recount it and live by it, but in reality we often find that MY truth may miss something spiritual and important; GOD's truth or THE truth.

For example, MY truth might be that you have wronged me, but THE truth is that I am called and empowered to walk in love and forgiveness despite someone wronging me. It doesn't always mean MY truth is completely wrong, but I believe OUR truth is too often incomplete at the very least.  

John 8:32 tells us "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Freedom, comes when we KNOW THE truth.   

That word KNOW is the Greek word ginosko.  It means to know absolutely, to be taking in knowledge, to come to know, recognize, understand.  

We need to really KNOW THE truth, not just OUR truth.  We need to recognise our own filters, our own perceptions and experiences, and the flaws that come with them.  Then we can submit these things to THE TRUTH. THE truth which is only found in Christ; Jesus said he was the way, THE truth and the life.

When we bring OUR truth in to submission to God's truth it will be a clearer, more accurate picture, a better outcome and a more freeing way.


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