News of the World

This weekend has been crazy here in the UK.  People panic buying fuel and all because the media said there was going to be a shortage of petrol.  They've since back-pedalled and said actually it's not so, but the trouble is all the panic-buying has created a shortage.  The news drove people to act, despite the fact it wasn't true.   

There is all sorts of bad news going on around the world right now (true or otherwise), and we can let it overwhelm and depress us; we can let it drive us to panic and fear or we can stir ourselves up to act after the Spirit; to press into God, to tap in more deeply to the Holy Spirit and to more intimately worship.

Today I just want to encourage you to not tune in to what the world has to offer, but instead, let anything that happens in this world this drive you deeper into your walk with the Lord.

That's it.  Just a simple thought this week:  Don't get drawn into the world's bad news, but instead, follow the advice of the psalmist and trust in the Lord with all your heart. Don't lean on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. 

Have a great week.


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