Root it out (Stress 4)

So as we continue thinking about stress and how to avoid it as a Christian,  we need to remind ourselves that what we water/feed is what grows in our life.  As a believer, we have a choice every day what we allow to take root in our hearts, and what we root out.  

When fear and insecurity take root in your heart, they will always result in stress, torment, and discouragement.

The bible tells us we are to take our thoughts captive, and it's easy to pull up a plant when it has no root at all.  Once something develops a root system, it get's harder to remove.

Colossians 2:7 (TPT)
Your spiritual roots go deeply into his life as you are continually infused with strength, encouraged in every way. For you are established in the faith you have absorbed and enriched by your devotion to him!

We need to be rooted in Christ. The dictionary definition of 'rooted' is: established deeply & firmly; and Strong's Concordance says: cause to strike root, to strengthen with roots, to render firm, to fix, establish, cause a person or a thing to be thoroughly grounded. 

This word gives the implication that you are fixed and steadfast, just as a tree is underpinned by its root system, so a believer rooted in Christ, is not easily swayed or shaken.

When we root ourselves in Christ, we tap into his love, goodness and power. His life through us and we are built up from the inside out.

We ourselves chose what we allow to take root in our lives.  So if you are stressed today, you need to look at what you have allowed to grow in your heart.  What has been planted there that doesn't come from the Lord.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help uproot the lies and misinformation that the world and the enemy have pushed in there and reground yourself in God's Word and truth to reduce stress in our lives. 

Happy Saturday.


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