Practice - or not! (Stress 6)

As we think about those things that bring stress in our lives, it would be dumb to mention this one! 

I've had a difficult week this week.  A very challenging situation came to an end in a meeting and it was stressful.  However, it came and went, but what was the biggest battle for me?  It was practicing the wrong things afterwards!  

What do I mean?  Well I am quite sure I am not the only one who practices or rehearses things in my head over and over after something like that, am I?.  "I could have done this... I should have said that..."

But all that is simply stressful!  What is past is done, and today I have a choice about what how I practice.  I can practice (rehearse) the negative 'shoulda, woulda, coulda's' or I can practice (do) the presence of God.  I can sit there and think about all the ways I could have behaved or worded something differently, but in the end, it's a much more peace-filled path when we look to Jesus instead and remind ourselves that he our peace, and he is our defender, if necessary.  

If we have behaved in a way that we shouldn't (i.e. we were rude) then we should of course go and put that right (apologise, forgive or whatever) but then practice the ways of God instead of going over and over the situation that is past, whether that is an hour ago, a day ago, or years ago. 

The verse in the picture (2 Corinthians 3:17) says
"For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."

When we bring the Spirit of God into be lord over a situation there is freedom and freedom from strife or stress is included in that.

So today, don't practice going over what you might have said or done, but practice bringing the Spirit of God into the situation and let God sort it out! 

Happy Saturday!


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