Follow on

I haven't forgotten that I am working through some things to do with the Great Exchange, but I'm interrupting that theme because I was encouraged this morning as John (my husband) preached about the fact that God hasn't forgotten any of us, and felt like it would be a good encouragement for someone today.

In Acts 1:21-26 we read of how the disciples replaced Judas after his death:
So then, we must choose his replacement from among those who have been with us from the very beginning, from John’s baptism until Jesus’ ascension. And, like us, he must be a witness of his resurrection.”
They proposed two candidates: Joseph, who is also called Barsabbas the Just, and Matthias. They all prayed, “Lord Yahweh, you know the heart of every man. Please give us clear revelation to know which of these two men you have chosen to be an apostle and take Judas’ place because he renounced his apostleship to go where he belonged.” They cast lots and determined that Matthias was the Lord’s choice, so he was added to the eleven apostles.

Matthias was with them from the beginning of Jesus' ministry.  He had travelled with them for 3 years and was known to them. 

Can you imagine how he might have felt?  He might have wondered why he wasn't one of the apostles Jesus chose to start off with.  He might have been envious of those 12 that were close to Jesus.  He might have longed to hang out with Jesus and the 12 but felt unworthy.  He might even have been a bit jealous, or maybe he simply couldn't stay away.. whatever he felt, he hadn't been selected to be in the inner circle, but he just knew he must follow Jesus. In the right moment, his faithfulness was the key to him being selected to stand with the 11 and become one of the apostles.  

Sometimes we may be thinking, what about me Lord?  Sometimes we are thinking "I don't know where I belong", but we just need to faithfully do what we know to do.  Keep following Jesus and when the time is right, he'll make your place and your purpose clear and will move you into whatever he has for you; your faithfulness is the key. 

God know's where you live, and he hasn't forgotten, so don't grow weary in well doing, and in due time, you'll reap the harvest. 

Happy days.


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