You're grounded!

I was thinking today about the function of the earth wire in an electrical context.  Electricity flows through the live wire, but the earth is what grounds the system to prevent harm.

The power of God is the electricity that flows to us, but we need to be grounded in order to avoid damaging others. 

The bible tells us we should be grounded and settled and not move away from the hope of the Gospel (Col 1:23) and that we should be rooted and grounded in love. (Eph 3:17).

If we are not rooted in these things, the power of God can still flow through us, but now we run the risk of hurting others.   This is not a new problem.  In Corinth, the church was full of people flowing in the gifts of the Spirit, but Paul tells them it doesn't matter if you speak in tongues, prophecy, knowledge, have faith, or give everything I have without love, it doesn't count!  

We need to be grounded in God's love and in his word so that just like electricity, we can easily flow with his power, without hurting someone.

It amazes me how many Christians are content to not know the bible.  We need to love God's word, to read it, meditate on it and live it.  Today, are you grounded in his word?


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