Log off.

This week I have been talking with my husband about the latest book he is enjoying. (Getting your life back, by John Eldridge) and I have been thinking about the world we live in.  

We are constantly plugged in - tablets, phones, laptops, computers, games consoles, television, podcasts, streaming, and even blogposts (which of course are not a bad thing!)

We just never shut off.  We are 'on call' to our friends and family as much as our employer.  We get notifications from facebook, twitter, email, the news, the NHS, YouTube and the list goes on.   What initially was designed to save us the time of waiting for a letter in the mail, has degenerated our communications into a series of emoji's and 'likes', and yet we still don't have 'time'.  We can't even call a friend in need now, we simply hit the 'care' emoji to offer comfort.

But in our verse this week, we see Jesus withdrawing from the world around him to seek time and space to connect only with his Father.  

We need to disconnect and unplug from the constant bombarding in modern life.  Turn off the electronics, go for a walk, watch a sunset, sit and listen to the birds, and just plug into the one needful thing in life - Jesus Christ.  

His promise is of course that he will never leave us or forsake us, but we can simply put him in the shadows and never connect with him.  'Liking' bible verses is no substitute for reading and loving God's word.  Tweeting is not an alternative for prayer, and XX is not enough for intimacy with our heavenly Father.

My challenge this week is to log off, go out or sit quietly and enjoy the pleasure and benefit of time alone with Jesus.   Nothing else.  Just him!

Can I get a
Happy Saturday


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