

People these days love to blame everyone else for their own situations, but the truth is we each make choices every day that determine how our life looks.

You may be saying "Abi, you don't know what so-and-so did to me" and that may be true, but what I do know is how we react to what is done by others is entirely up to us. 

We get to chose!  And we determine how we look at life. 

We can decided to look at life through our lack or we can chose to look at life through God's provision.

In this well-known verse we have exactly that.  David chose to look at life through the perspective that the Lord was his shepherd - his provider, his guide, and his protection.
He goes on to say "I shall not WANT". That word WANT means LACK.  

You can look at your life and say 'I lack this or that', but I guarantee you, there is nothing you need that Jesus Christ did not provide for. You can stay focussed on a lack, or be like David and focus on things from God's perspective and declare his words and see his provision!

At Christmas time life can get full of shopping, gifts, food, chocolate, visiting, and so on, and we can easily forget to look at things from God's perspective.  We can see shopping trips as stressful excursions or we can see them as opportunities to speak to someone about Jesus, to be joyful in the midst of all the busyness. 

If you're focussed on lack, then it's not too late to change. 

How do you know what you're focussed on?  Well, are you joyful, peaceful and full of life?  If so you're looking at Jesus.  If you're sad, discouraged, fearful and stressed, you're focussed on yourself and your lack.

This year has been strange, but there's still 20 days left to get our minds fixed on the right things, to confess God's Word and thank him for his provision.

Happy Saturday


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