Oh Goodness!

Last week I came across a new song (well new for me).  It's beautiful and has been really speaking to my heart since I heard it. I've included it here, because I just am loving it.

The chorus says "All my life you have been faithful.  All my life you have been so, so good.  With every breath that I am able I will sing of the goodness of God."

As I sang along, the words filled my heart with gratitude, as I remembered time after time when the Lord has been good to me! 

He has been good to me by saving me, filling me with his spirit, leading me, guiding me and most of all by his long-suffering love for me.  He has been good to me in my marriage, in our finances, in providing for us. He has been good to me in healing my body, keeping me safe, and bringing wonderful people into my life.

Sometimes we can just narrow our field of vision to much until all we can see is the negative, the worry and the fear.  But when you stop and think over the journey you have made since you became a Christian, and consider all the moments, days, and times God has faithfully been good to you, you are going to really struggle to be negative, I mean, you could stay down, but you'd be stupid to!

God has been so good to us.  Daily he gives us wisdom, love, grace, faith, and so many other good things.  If we would only remember them and thank him for them we would begin to change within our circumstances.

I am often reminded of the martyrs of old, sent to the lions, they went in singing!  How do you face death that way. You have to have a deep connection with your saviour that supersedes the external threat.  These saints had hearts so full of gratitude that it overflowed to their lips and they couldn't keep quiet.

We're not facing that kind of death right now, but we each face our own trials and challenges, and we have a choice; to go in meditating on the situation, allowing fear and discouragement to grow and overwhelm you or to meditate on the goodness of God, allowing gratitude and worship to overflow into your mouth in song and speech.

I know which I choose.  What about you?

Happy Saturday!


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