Getting Wet

John (my husband) always says that if God was water, how would people know that you had been with Him?  Well, the answer is, you would be wet. 

The bible tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8) so in the same way, if we have been with God, that is the characteristic that should be visible to others. 

In Exodus 34, we read that when Moses came down the mountain after meeting with God, his face shone.  There was tangible evidence that he had been with God. 

In Acts 4:13  we read that "...And they realized that they had been with Jesus. "

There was something about them that showed they had been with Jesus.  That verse mentions directly their boldness, but also one thing that the people marvelled at what that were untrained/uneducated and so I believe their passion and skill in proclaiming the Gospel stood out in the crowd.  

The Passion Translations says that verse like this:

Then they began to understand the effect Jesus had on them simply by spending time with him.

We have the opportunity to spend time with God everyday, but do we take that opportunity and then carry that with us when we go about our day.  

When people encounter us, what do they think?  Do they see the loving God we serve, or selfish moany people?  Do they feel loved, even when corrected, or do they feel attacked and degraded?  Do people see the effect Jesus has on us when we spend time with him!

If you're not exhibiting a Jesus-like nature, then the good news is, it's not too late to change. 
It means repenting; acknowledging your issues and having a change of direction. Then making your time with God count, not ticking a box, or crossing an item of a list, but rather spending real time in the word, in worship and in prayer. 
Spending time like this with God will rub off on you, and you will become like Christ!  Just like our analogy of water.  If you get in the water, you can't help but get wet!


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