Mix it right.

Today I was speaking to a friend, and she said to me "Thanks for being there for me.  You're really strong in your faith". While I understand the point she was making, it made me think. 

You know, ALL CHRISTIANS have the same Spirit that I do, I'm not special or unique in that; we each have the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead living on the inside of us!  Every believer has the same potential to operate in the things of God!

The only thing that stands between us and seeing the promises of God active in our life, is faith.  

Hebrews 4:2 says that people have heard God's message, but it didn't profit them, or do them good because they didn't mix it with faith.

Each one of us has the same choices set before us; to believe God, or not.   Romans10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

We can spend Sunday after Sunday in a church service, but if you don't hear a message based on the Word, and you don't mix it with faith, it will just be a waste of time in your spiritual life. 

Sometimes we look at other people and think "They have more of God in their lives than me" and feel that they are 'better' than us spiritually, but the truth is they had the same potential as you! If you see that they have more of God's power in operation in their lives, it is because of one reason and one reason only; they are taking the truths from God's word and mixing them with faith.

No one is limited in God's kingdom by education, family background, stature or gender.  The Word proved this over and over.   Today if you are feeling inadequate or inferior in matters of faith, you need to repent.  Repent for believing the lie that you lack something (that was what Eve did in the garden of Eden). Repent for not investing in hearing the word, and for doubting or allowing the cares of this life to steel it away from you when you do.  Repent of being content to stay and settle where you are; God wants more for you and has equipped you with everything you need to operate in his power and promises. 

The only thing that stands in your way for experiencing that, is you! 


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