Are you fat?

Today I was reading some comments on a Facebook post.  A well known minister was advertising a 3 day course he was running.  There was a small charge for the whole course (less than £5).   A person had commented, moaning about how the gospel was free and there shouldn't be a charge.

In another situation I know, a person in a church I attended was a cake maker.  One day another person in church asked if she could make a cake for them.  When she received the quote she was rather taken a back as she had expected it to be free on the basis that they went to the same church!

Both these outlook demonstrate a wrong attitude towards both money and really, towards people.  While it is true that the gospel is entirely free, we need to remember that equipment, software, supplies (paper for example) buildings and staff to make things happen, all cost money.  Equally, a person's time, whether teaching spiritual truths or making cakes is worth something!  

Overall, the point I want to make today is that believers need to shy away from being selfish and stingy!  As Christian's we should be the most generous people on the face of the earth.  Why?  Because our Father owns the whole universe; He's a big and generous giver; we're called to be like Him AND He promises to take care of us! We should be a blessing to those we meet and known for our generosity. 

Proverbs 11:25 says "Those who live to bless others will have blessings heaped upon them, and the one who pours out his life to pour out blessings will be saturated with favour" 
Simply put, if we bless others, we'll find that we are blessed and will have favour.  

In all my life I've never been able to out-give God. We've given away cars, money, accommodation and many, many other things since we've been married.  We've never been without what we needed - and some. It has been most definitely supernatural.  

I remember one time, John and I went shopping with a couple we knew.  We went into a shop with very beautiful clothing in there.  My friend picked out a beautiful asian looking suit.  It was lovely and it was more expensive than anything I ever owned.  She was going to try it on and suggested that just for fun, I should take one and try it on too.  I did, and in the changing rooms we oohed over them; they were stunning, and I definitely suggested she get it as it suited her so well.  To my surprise, when she checked out, she purchased one for me too.  I was so taken aback.  I had never experienced this kind of generosity from a friend, but I tell you what, it spoke volumes to me about how much she cared for me!   I've never forgotten that!

Through our work with Andrew Wommack Ministries/Charis Bible College we encountered some truly generous people.   I've been to dinner with a team of people from that ministry where we had to be sneaky to pay the bill first, because everyone was trying to bless each other.  It is truly amazing, and a lot of fun. We continue to encounter some people who really trust God in the area of finances and provision and John and I decided many years ago, that we would become like those people.

I'm not talking about giving away everything you own tomorrow (unless God tells you to do this), but I am talking about the small things:  Buying the coffees when you meet a friend; paying the cake-maker in your church more than she asked for because you want to bless her; giving away a coat because you see someone who doesn't have one; tipping well at a restaurant so that you can witness to the waitress, or buying lunch for the person behind you in the drive through!  Receive God's love. Trust Him to take care of you. Be a blessing.  

The King James version renders that verse like this
Proverbs 11:25 The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.

That word 'fat' thankfully isn't talking about being overweight.  It means rich or fertile.   That verse has the connotation of having what you need or producing a great crop.  We're not talking about get rich quick schemes, or spending silly money wastefully, but we are talking about having all you need and enough to be a blessing to others.

If we find it hard to be generous, it is rooted in fear.  Fear of not having enough or fear of losing out. When we fear, we have not activated God's perfect love, which casts out fear, in an area of our hearts.  The principal of sowing sparingly, reaping sparingly or sowing generously, reaping generously is at work in our lives.  We don't give to get, but receiving is a byproduct of giving when we trust God.  

Today, if this is you, repent and ask God to show you his love in this area of your life, so that you can be a blessing.  When we do this we demonstrate God's faithfulness to us and his love to others through us, and our care for those around you.  

Happy Saturday!


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